
By scharwenka

Christmas Day 2014

It is 4:22 pm, and the goose is out of the oven ready for carving, and the 1992 Beaune Clos du Roi ready for drinking,  It is getting dark!

We are running a little late, not because of elderly parents and fractious children, for we are on our own.  But it has been a superbly sunny day, and we have been on splendid walk in the park.

Meanwhile, back at home, the senior beezle in residence has been guarding the presents, which

    are under the tree

At the opposite end of the room sits the Spiral Tree that we have seen in our Blipfoto entries for several preceding Christmases.

This small gallery of photographs collects together the pictures that I took on the day, and should give an impression of the rather fine day that we enjoyed.

It's a week on from that as I write these words, so let me wish everyone who reads this


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