
By nicky

Broadway Tower

Paul and I headed off for a short break today. We started off in Broadway, and after a little bit of a hunt, we finally found where the Cotswold Way leaves the village for the walk up to the Broadway Tower. The woman in the museum who gave us directions put the fear of god into us about how arduous the walk was going to be, but it wasn't too bad at all - once we'd got to the top! What a view at the top - and what a lovely lunch we had in the cafe up there.

After walking down again (which was a much quicker walk!), we set off for Stratford-upon-Avon, where we were staying for the night. After checking into our B&B, we went to watch Love's Labour's Lost at the RSC theatre, which was very funny although rather difficult to follow in parts. And a very downcast ending. But no matter, we had a great time and managed to walk back to the B&B without slipping over on the icy ground. Phew!

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