
By scharwenka


Today we had the pleasure of the company of the Marsh family, nd their dog (kept in the car!).

The parents (she: right front; he: right back) were both once undergraduate pupils of mine, and it has been a pleasure to keep in contact.  It's fun to have the (rather civilised) children around.

The daughter claims not to be photogenic.  I disagree very strongly!  Judge for yourselves.

Anyway, mother and daughter run something of a line in selfies, and daughter produced a "selfie stick".  After much experimentation and amusement, here is one result showing (to a greater or lesser extent) all of us.  The young lady told me VERY clearly, that the tilt on her photograph is intentional, and displays her artist's vision, so I have thought it wise not to Photoshop it to appear otherwise...

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