point and press

By crispinhj

more money down the pan

Site workers were this week beginning to put the finishing touches to the Olympic Park's £22.7M ArcelorMittal Orbit as the sculpture was prepared for handover to the Olympic legacy organisation.

One of the key features of the 114.5m tall sculpture, a solid steel canopy at its base which greets visitors, was installed at the incorrect height and must now be repositioned, it was revealed last week by its sculptor Anish Kapoor.

It is currently at a height of around 3.5m but will be lowered to between 2.6m and 2.7m, said Kapoor, adding that the correction was part of the "process" of installing the sculpture.

He said that the canopy installation represented one of the most significant milestones. "I was very excited when the canopy went in - it's at the wrong height for now, but so what?" he said.

Somebody needs to get out more. What on earth are we spending money on this sort of thing for? And exactly what sort of legacy is this?

This is an obscene waste of money and resources that will benefit nobody except the big businesses that will rake in the money at the turnstiles

An olympics for the people - I don't think so. Certainly I don't know anyone who's been able to get tickets for anything they actually wanted to see, and most people are dreading the inconvenience that will follow the process of allowing the so called VIP's (aka bloodsuckers) to move swiftly round London

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