Cool at Sand Harbor

A visit here was on the recommended list from Evelyne so we returned there today and found it was indeed cool. 
The Boss has a huge issue with coolness as really low temperatures and lots of bright light cause his specs to react by turning a lovely dark black and making it quite hard to see through his viewfinder. Oh the problems photographers have, to say nothing about his special “photographers gloves” which have flip off bits that expose real skin for touchy bits of cameras. Well at the height of activities he lost (misplaced) his right glove which will cause The Bossess to remind him about this for the next…….. 
The joke of this, is his Olympus works quite well with gloves but the Fruitphone….No Way as it needs real skin so it’s odds on that the glove got mis…thingied while using his phone. Humiliating for sure.

Paw Script….I still have my hat on and we met a bloke today who remembered me from 2 days ago because of it. There seems to be a shortage of stuffed dogs with Christmas hats riding around on Photographers bags. (Tall Dark and Handsome ones…says The Boss)
Anyway it is New Years madness here tonight but we have declined to join in as we have already celebrated in NZ altho there may be a mini celebration on our balcony thanks to a certain  German lady.

5…4…3…2…errr…what comes after 2? 

HAPPY NEW YEAR…Have a cool one. And The Boss says you can take that anyway you like.

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