George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


Which is entirely appropriate given the story I have to tell you today.

But first of all - Happy New Year to everyone.  I hope you get all the licks and treats you deserve in 2015.  I hope I do too :)))

Well, last night was very special.  It's called New Year's Eve.  I don't remember my previous New Year's Eve, because I was very very young, and I wasn't with THEM, I was still with my real Mummy.

THEY had such a special dinner, of prawns and scallops and lobster tail, which she cooked.  It tasted so yummy.  i know it did because I had a tiny piece.

They gave a piece to Raj as well, but because it looked like I was going to steal it from under Raj's nose (did I say it was yummy?), he got his on top of a table.

And do you know what he did?  No?  You'll never guess in a blue fit. Or even a pink and purple fit.

He went to his piece of lobster, and he picked it up in his mouth.  And he walked round to the edge of the table where I was staring imploringly up at him.

And he did give it to me.  He actually dropped it off the table, very deliberately so it would land at my feet.  Yes he did - and I've got witnesses so I know it was true.

THEY could not believe their eyes!

Of course, I looked a bit stunned as well, but only for a nano-second.  Then I gobbled it down.  

I love Raj - he's my bestest of all best friends.

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