Love Is Observable

Today, Valerie and I had a date. She really wanted to watch Interstellar, so I took her to the cinema. On the train journey home she passionately discussed theories such as the holographic universe, that the Earth is a historical recording created by pan-dimensional humans from the far future, and the theory of tangential multiverses.

We also played the Atom Model Card Game which Grandad bought him for Christmas for the first time this afternoon. Now Arthur is totally buzzing, matching cards to create as many different molecules as possible and he is enthusiastically reading the Molecules book which I received for Christmas. 

Could it be, as suggested in Interstellar, that our super-evolved human ancestors from millions of years in the future are guiding our behaviour in extremely subtle ways? Is there a reason why Valerie wanted to see a movie which so excited her imagination about cosmology? Did pan-dimensional beings put that card game and my book in Arthur's path? It's fascinating (to me and Valerie, at least.) 

I leave the last words to Brand and Cooper from Interstellar.

     It (love) means social utility - child
     rearing, social bonding -
     We love people who’ve died ...
     where’s the social utility in that?
     Maybe it means more - something we
     can’t understand, yet. Maybe it’s
     some evidence, some artifact of
     higher dimensions that we can’t
     consciously perceive. I’m drawn
     across the universe to someone I
     haven’t seen for a decade, who I
     know is probably dead. Love is the
     one thing we’re capable of
     perceiving that transcends
     dimensions of time and space. Maybe
     we should trust that, even if we can't yet
     understand it.

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