
By LargoLass

Mrs Thursday.

A very wet Thursday and so its a good day for Spring Cleaning! Every fortnight my dear friend Mrs Thursday helps me do the cleaning - normally I do the top deck and she the lower but today we had decided to do a "thorough" everywhere!

Jess and Molly have gone to ground because they hate the disruption - so has Largolad! We're sending out an SOS for a cuppa but to not avail! Molly in particular is terrified of Henry and so she is safely tucked away in the boot of the car sleeping peacefully! Jess on the other hand is a pretty cool dude and comes along to supervise the work every now and again.

Coincidentally I had been at the Community Cinema last week and thoroughly enjoyed the film on offer - I decided to order the book which arrived as we were busy cleaning ...... yes you've guessed it..... "The Help"

Off to Morayshire for the week end and so it will be a bit of back blipping on Sunday - have a great week end everyone!

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