
By SeaGypsy

Mason Bee House.

The other day while reading about honeybees, I learnt about mason bees.
I have just hung up a bamboo mason bee house hoping that some bees will like it.

The orchard mason bee is a gentle beneficial bee that can pollinate apples, cherries and other fruit trees. It is found throughout most of North America, particularly in wooded areas but often around homes in towns and cities.
They like to make a nest in holes in wood.

The orchard mason bee is non-aggressive and will sting only if handled roughly or if it should get trapped under clothing. It is less objectionable than the honey bee as a pollinator in urban areas and should be encouraged. Efforts are being made experimentally to develop large populations of these bees, to use as a supplement to honey bees for fruit pollination, much as the alfalfa leafcutting bee was developed for alfalfa seed pollination.

I spent quite a while, working out how to re thread the line in my weed trimmer.
Imagine my surprise when it worked.
Some photos of the garden at it's tidiest.

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