Let There Be Light

By solli

Listen to The Mockingbird

Mimus polyglottos ~ Northern Mockingbird

I was loading up my car for the daily trip to Lenape when I heard him. He was perched on my neighbors chimney, singing his little heart out so I dropped everything to get a snap. For a brief moment I thought I'd be unable to post it to the nature group due to the hand of man clause, but the bird must've read my mind because he flew to my fifty foot spruce and perched right on the top of the tree!

His repertoire of bird calls was so outstanding that I should've videoed him instead. I recognized his soft jay, the robins and sparrows and he did one that sounded like he was a construction worker whistling at a woman! I tried to count the calls but there were too many and I'm dyslexic anyway. Just can't count and focus at the same time.

I love all my birds but the Mockingbird really has a special place in my heart. We had one who stayed in the neighborhood for a few seasons and would mimic the cats merrow!

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! I'm going to do some yard work now since the straight out of the camera, unprocessed blip is in the bag. :)

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