Start as we mean to go on

The yoga mat (with backache relieving positions on) was my gift from a blogging Secret Santa...of course Stella needed to study it first to make sure that 'downward dog' was all in order! 

I don't make new year's resolutions but I do try and set myself a little challenge each year. Last year I wrote (not always amazingly successfully) a haiku every day; this year I plan to perfect every single pose on this mat. 

Wouldn't have been a very big challenge at all a few years ago but, just rolling the mat out this morning meant needing a rest from the dizzies before I could try the first one. The first looked relatively single with only two repetitions of holding for 30 seconds. I barely made 5 seconds before I wobbled to the floor! But, one side is noticeably weaker than the other so I know where to concentrate my efforts. It's a start :) 

Over on the blog is my first poem for 2015 :) 

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