
We swung open wide my newly cleaned window and waited for the stroke of midnight with a glass of bubbly - couldn't hear the gun from the castle due to some local fireworks, but there was a wonderful resonant chorus of foghorns sounded by the ships in the docks.

I'd been intending to go up to the allotment today, but the weather was so unpleasant (wind and rain, not cold at all) that we stayed in. At least we finished the jigsaw.

We also went round taking down old calendars and hanging up the new ones - this one has pride of place this year, featuring a selection of photos that our blip-friend John Van de Graaff took on his trip to the Galapagos a few years ago. (You can see his photos, two weeks worth starting here. ) I think I first became aware of John's journal when I spotted one of his Galapagos blips. What a lovely calendar they make - thank you John!

And a happy new year to you all, dear blippers!

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