Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Start as you mean to go on

...even if that means reading under a table because you're in a mood.

Quiet day today:
- cleaned up all the neighbours' cat's crap from the garden
- chopped some wood
- marked some writing books
- played Far Cry 4 for a couple of hours
- watched a footy match on TV

A sausage sandwich and the wine I didn't drink last night awaits me.  


In fact, I am the least New Years person I know: I was in bed by 11, hadn't had a drink and even slept in until 10:30 this morning.  I don't think my resolutions are going to include any aspects of slowing down, would be impossible.

In fact, why don't I try and Blip every day, that's a good 'un.  
(Bet I fail before the week's out)

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