
Earlier on today, I took a photo of an Amazon box. I'd had a set of scales delivered but you would have been forgiven if you thought for a moment that I'd had a small car sent to me. And this set me thinking about how clever and innovative Amazon are. (Mostly, I think about their cavalier approach to paying tax in the UK, but on this occasion I was feeling more positive about them.)

And what I was thinking was that, by now, you'd have thought that they would have come up with some way around the insane amounts of cardboard they use. And it occurred to me that since pretty much everything we buy is boxed up already wouldn't it be better of they just wrapped our orders in some kind of industrial, recyclable cellulose*? 

Not that I have a formula for anything quite so useful to hand but, on the other hand, I'm a busy guy and I don't have Amazon's R&D resources readily available to me. I'm happy to leave the job up to them.

Anyway, I was going to post the picture of the box and my lengthy exposition on waste and recycling and blah, blah, blah but in the nick of time I realised two things: firstly, as a photo and blog post, it was a bit boring and, secondly, I'd been thinking that I'd like to do a selfie a month so I can watch myself getting steadily older and that this might be a good day to start. So, here's me in my packaging.

* or similar organic compound.

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