Life with Alice

By elirin


We got these blue and orange plastic poles for Christmas. I am not one hundred percent sure what they are for, but mum says it's agility gear. We watched an agility contest this summer and it looked awesome, so I think I'll like it. The tunnel is a cat one, I learned that one on my second try. I had a small one when I was little, so it wasn't rocket science exactly, but still. One thing down.

New Year's Eve is definitely not my favourite holiday, I know that now. It started out nice enough, quality cuddling time in the sofa and me getting my Santa! I LOVE Santas! In retrospect, it was a little bit weird that we watched the junior ice hockey world championships for five hours, with the volume turned up, when we're not really into hockey in the the first place.

Going to sleep was not an option. There were loud Bangs! everywhere around us. Some people even lit fireworks in our yard. Why??? I barked at everything. We had to find a way to get through it, so we ended up doing super intense trick training involving bangs meaning stay quiet for a treat. There was nothing else for it. Not my best treats, mum didn't want me to associate them with something stressful. It worked out in the end, but it left us exhausted.

We wish everyone a year filled with love and happiness!
Mum looked the title up, I hope it's a real word.

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