This poor chappie had a rubbish night, he woke around 11:50pm, he had milk, we watched the fireworks and then he just couldn't settle. He came into our bed and snuggled and fidgeted lots. Around 4am he was pretty inconsolable, so Mr. Nurofen was deployed (Mr. Calpol was nowhere to be found)

We had a lazy sleepy start to the morning and then headed out to Worcester Woods for a muddy puddles walk followed by an exceedingly yummy lunch. Munchie was adamant that Wom had to go in the swings next to her, but daddy was under strict instructions to not push him to hard as he is only little.

Home for playing, Happy Land train / road track is a massive hit. Lee sorted out a huge piece of ham for tea, which we had with cauliflower cheese, nom nom.

Reality bites a little tomorrow as I MUST do some work!

Happy New Year everyone that follows us

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