Fare thee well, 2014.
I suppose, if I was less than scrupulous, I could say this is the last sunset of 2014.
BUT since
A) I'm too bleeping honest.
B) Some Smartarse will say "I know your garden ... THAT's a SunRISE."
Unfortunately 2015 was a little damp most of the day and I never gave a thought to the 1st Sunrise.
We did drive to Keswick for a toddle down to Friar's Crag, but Keswick was full.
Once around carp ark 1 - Nuffink.
Off to Carp Ark 2 - Rockall.
Over to Booth's, cuppa in mind since it was now raining PISSintently. Overflow park full.
"One more time around Piccadilly circus...."
Back to # 1 - Bug roll.
"Let's away yam!"
Stopping @ Rheged for the Brew.
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