
We've had a lovely 10 days away in Derbyshire & the North Yorkshire Dales and now we're home.

I had to sit in the car for 5 hours so when we got home Ann said, 'Molly, would you like to go down to the beach and do some surfer chasing?'

Surfer chasing is almost as exciting as bunny chasing so I was at the front door straight away.  It was lovely to have a walk along the beach again.  We love where we live.

However, now we're home and things are back to normal is Ann allowed to RANT again??????????

I bet all you Blippers who signed up for life membership are wishing you hadn't?!  Just what exactly is the point of merging Blip with Polaroid.  I thought the whole point of Blip was that it wasn't commercialised?  And just when will the iphone app be ready??  Actually I guess there's not really much point in ranting.  I have two choices: a) persevere with a site that I hate, or b) leave.

....................And I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.  If it wasn't for all you lovely Blippers who follow MollyCollie's adventures every day I'd be long gone!!! xxx

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