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By pplnani

Windmill at Sunset

I have spent the day with my mum which included lunch at a garden centre near her house. While we were sitting chatting over lunch a large Red Admiral butterfly fluttered up behind my mum and settled on her head. Poor mum looked completely mystified as I looked really surprised, started giggling and made a lunge for my handbag to try to get my camera out. As you've probably gathered from the lack of 'butterfly on the head' blip that it flew off before I could get my camera ready and I didn't like to disturb everyone else's lunch by chasing it round the restaurant like a mad person ;-))
On the way home I could see the sun looking nice as it started to set and I remembered that there was a windmill nearby so I swung round the short detour and claimed my blip.......a good job too because I hadn't taken anything else all day :-)))

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