Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Garden shot

Well, that's it.  It's all over.  The decorations are down, packed away and back in the loft.  Most of the chocolate mountain has been consumed but there is still a significant amount left.  I was going to be good this morning and have a cereal for breakfast until I smelled sausages being cooked; a few that were left over from Christmas and coming up to their 'use by' date.  But at least tonight will be a bit more healthy.  We always seem to crave something that tastes really sharp and zingy after all the indulgence of Christmas and New Year, so I'll be making a Thai Beef Salad from a Ken Hom recipe; always a favourite.

Other than a swim this morning and a quick call at the supermarket I've not been far today so this is a garden shot of a Great Tit waiting for me to go back in the house so he can get back onto the seed feeder. 

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