A New Dawn?
New year, resolution time, get fitter, no question! So I started with a swim at 6:30 am followed by a three mile photo walk around the Canwell Estate between Tamworth and Sutton Coldfield. This area is on the route of the HS2 line and there was plenty of evidence in the form of posters as I walked along the Heart of England Way.
I went for drama today. It seemed appropriate. This is an HDR, 3 shots with a 2 stop separation processed in Nik Software's HDR Efex Pro. It still needed a 3 stop ND grad to hold back the sky exposure.
So the cat's out of the bag, it was only a matter of time. It will be interesting to hear from Joe tomorrow. I am hopeful that despite the affiliation with Polaroid, the site will develop but still retain it's community spirit. If you, my Blip friends, are anything to go by, we still have the spirit. If you ask yourselves what has happened, none of it so far has seriously affected the fundamental that we visit each others journals, view, comment, star or fave. Someone I respect greatly suggested that the business model for Blipfoto was unsustainable and that sooner or later the site would just stop. If you consider the trauma of the last 2 1/2 weeks it pales into insignificance compared with that possibility. It is now for Joe and Blip Central to make good on their promise that the community is the cornerstone of the new site. Time will tell but I for one am willing to give it a chance. I hope you will to.
I have posted a few more images on Flickr,
© Graham Colling 2015 - all rights reserved
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