Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


Why the bridge?  I'm not sure and may change it later.  

I was perplexed, as without doubt you will have been,  to find Polaroid's name in front of Blipfoto when I logged on.  I'm lazy and hadn't seen my mail box!

After the barrage of opinions, after the site changed, now it seems obvious who had input into the new format. 

Hmmm... I've seen the video, seen some comments, initially felt a little betrayed but, had a think and am now happy to take a fairly neutral position.  If at all possible, I'll be around to hear the Q&A's tomorrow evening, not that it will change anything.  

My feeling is that, no, this isn't what I signed up to, but everything changes and I am here because I want to be, I love the blip community and, despite the changes, I have caught up with the friends I had before and really want to make a go of it.  

Many of the previous functions have disappeared, some have slowly returned and we are promised more and better in the future.  We'll have to wait and see.  In the meantime... How many of you used the star button to honestly give a judged rating to a photo?   I've rarely been donated anything other than 5 stars... and if not, an apology has normally followed to say the wrong button was pressed. I couldn't know who gave me one star if they didn't admit it. 

So now we have a star that functions as a like button!  
One of the reasons I stopped blipping for a while was, that I felt very guilty. when pressed for time, to not be able to comment.  Now the star, accompanied by the name of the giver, is a great way of acknowledging that we've seen and appreciated a blip, without the need to physically write a comment which is time consuming. Do you appreciate the photo or the written content of a blip?  I personally think both are important and gave credit for both.

I thank Joe and his team, sincerely, for giving us this site and for the community that it has created.  Unique in every way,  I think you'd agree that Blipfoto is bigger than they could ever have imagined and it's growing by the day.  I can't imagine how they've given us a site up to now which is ad free other than for competitions and challenges which you can freely choose to enter or not.  

Polaroid have joined forces.  It's no longer just a handful of brilliant guys in an Edinburgh office.  This may not be what we wanted or expected but they will, hopefully, take this site forwards.  What I see as important is that Blipfoto is still what we make of it!  The community will remain if we allow it to!  

I've read the moans and threats.  Those who accept the changes will survive ... if you don't, well, I honestly can't see it hurting anyone else but yourself.  You will be missed for a while, then others will take your place.  

What I hope most is that Joe and the team can still make decisions and take the credit that they are due. 

Let's make the best of it and get this show on the road! 

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