Normal service is resumed

I am home again after another marathon train journey but via a different route. Last time I went with First Great Western as far as Plymouth then switched to CrossCountry up to York.

This time I went East Coast from York to Kings Cross with a teeny underground adventure then First Great Western again from Paddington to Truro.

Time wise there is nothing much in it. However, I did both journeys in first class at Ben's insistence. He argued that on an 8 hour journey it was worth the bit extra to have someone bringing me drinks and biscuits to my seat. He uses the Great Western service a lot so is an expert in such matters...

Anyway, let me tell you, should you plan a trip in or out of Cornwall, try not to use Great Western as they charge for sandwiches! Unlike Cross Country who provided sandwiches or cottage pie FREE OF CHARGE and East Coast who provided a full English breakfast FREE OF CHARGE. As well as unlimited drinks and snacks.

I shall be writing a letter to the MD of First Great Western to point this out in due course...

Oh and for those that might try the cost of ticket arguement - with late booked tickets there is no price difference between the routes...

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