People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Terrifying Rain

It has been steadily raining here for the past 2 days. It is a problem, because tomorrow we are expecting a massive storm, which may mean that the saturated soil will not accept any more water, causing our basement to flood. We have cleaned all of the leaves from all of the places the water can enter the storm drain around the house, and made sure to direct the water with soil, leaves and plantings away from the house. Keep your fingers crossed.

Nona and Paw Paw are on their way home after a lovely visit for the New Year celebrations. I hope their drive is safe.

I am not sure what to make out of the recent blipfoto changes. I don't mind joining with the Polaroid; I hope that means that the blip central team will get paid decent salaries. I don't necessarily see it as "selling out", at least not based on changes so far. I will keep on using the site, but I am disappointed with loss of a few features which added to the community feeling: the ability to find and acknowledge all the new members on their new blogs, the ability to be notified about everyone's blip days, and the ability to easily find the blippers I follow (they used to be in alpha order).  We will see what happens next...

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