at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Ivy insisted...

That I removed all her clothes this evening, she still claps for please and I didn't see any point in insisting she kept her clothes on. It turned out she wanted them all off so she could attempt to put them all back on herself. She was very considerate and climbed down off me to do a pee, told me 'uh ho pee pee' and then asked to come back up again. It's very good she knows that I wouldn't have appreciated being peed on. We could probably start toilet training Ivy now, since she often tells you she's peed but theres too many studies to suggest regression of early trainers when newborns arrive to be bothered risking it. 

This morning Ivy woke up in our bed at 7am on the dot like she always does, to discover that Euan wasn't there (he'd been evicted for snoring...), so decided 'theres no daddy to get up with, i'll just insist mama spoons me', rearranged my arms and went back to sleep for an hour. Euan is sulking that she'll only sleep later if he's not there- I think he should take it as a compliment.

We're trying to moderate some of Ivys behaviour before she goes totally off the rails and becomes a monster when we have 3 under 2 to deal with. She's been scratching my face today- which isn't verynice. It's hard to get her to understand she's done wrong, saying 'no' she doesn't pay much attention to, shouting will just escalate and encourage her to shout and I absoloutly refuse to even consider hitting her not even gentle taps on the wrist are acceptable to me. Found the answer today- putting her in a room by herself for a few minutes- you feel terrible but at least she is aware she's being reprimanded. Afterwards she was worried when I left the room she was being left behind again, but she's got wise to the 'not picking her up' thing and took my hand instead to walk me to the kitchen and back. I think she may be realising that i'm much more easy to control when she has my hand, rather than being in my arms when I get to choose the  direction we go in. 

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