
By MaybeDailyBob

All together now

I discovered today I am not going to make a wildlife photographer. I walked along the canal and spotted a heron land on the opposite bank. I approached slowly and hid behind a narrow boat and moved out slowly. As I focussed the shot the bird flew off and landed about 20 metres further down; so I approached slowly and hid behind a narrow boat and moved out slowly. As I focussed the camera he dropped out of sight.
Oh well.
So I give you the seed head of a dandelion. I like the way the seeds are all ready to go, all it needs is a gust of wind and they will be dispersed.
Back home in time for a haircut and I am now waiting for a Bowen treatment. Jane tried it on the recommendation of a physio for her shoulder. I had a "quick fix" a month ago on my hamstring and couldn't get over how the dull ache I had for weeks suddenly went away. So tonight I get a full treatment.
What is it?
The Bowen Technique is a remedial, hands-on therapy that is applied using very gentle pressure. The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points of the body to perform Bowen's unique sets of rolling-type moves which stimulate the muscles and soft tissue of the body. There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue and no force is used.

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