for a reason

Many years ago, during the Great Purge of a lot of the bits of crap in the cupboards of the old flat prior to starting to shift some of our more useful possessions into a storage facility in preparation for eventually getting round to moving out, it was deemed necessary to dispose of my old (and first) practise amp, sold by Maplin in the early nineties but evidently deemed too embarrassing to attach their logo to. The speaker was shite and the cabinet was falling apart, but the circuitry was still in working order, so I dismantled and disposed of the cabinet (though not without keeping the corners, handle and most of the bolts) and possibly disposed of the speaker (I haven't seen it in the loft in this house, but it doesn't mean it's not there somewhere) and kept the relatively small circuitry enclosure.

As my big amp was unstealthily (I told them I was putting it there, to prevent any sort of "we didn't know what it was so we threw it out" mishap) stowed in my parents' loft, when the replacement practise amp decided to die (just in time for it to not be convenient or possible to retrieve the big amp due to parent-house-downsizing during the autumn) the ancient and dusty old maplinamp was retrieved and then left in a corner of a room for over six months before I finally got round to stealing its transformer to take the place of the extremely similarly-specified but unfortunately burny-smelling equivalent in the newer (and reverb-equipped) Orange. It works. Thank you, old pile of shit from Maplin. 

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