perfect formation...

...flying into the light

are the geese - with a plan -  the one behind - rotating to the front - as the others tire

there is always a method - with their flying -  although sometimes it may - seem at times -  that it is reckless - and they are honking - out of control - yet if you watch - carefully, it is like - a dance in the sky - all coordinated - each one having a - well planned out directive - which has been assigned - prior to them - reaching the heights of - altitudes above - they count on each other - (kind of the way - we should really count on one another ourselves when i think about it) -  it's amazing to observe -  as many times as i have - been witness to it - i never seem to grow old -  of watching them - racing through the great blue yonder -  i equate it to a wonder of nature -  something i am privy to - which will always make for...


happy day.....

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