The Moon and Yosemite

The Moon and Yosemite (somewhere)

I am really sorry but apart from the car grinding to an almost violent stop and The Boss grabbing kit and heading into an almost dark paddock which was already full of blokes with cameras and getting a real bad case of the shivers, Cos he was probably inadequately covered I cannot figure out where this is except it is on the opposite side of the valley to the big picture department.
We are now nicely installed in a lovely room and somewhat overwhelmed by the dining arrangements but will put some energy into that tomoro. For me of course almost anything would do as Stuffed Dogs are not all that fussy as long as we have a comfortable bag to sit on OH and you can’t have a dog in this pub altho we did see one in a sled at the entrance getting shot (with a camera…don’t panic…..) It was a longish trip as we went out west probably more than we needed to but we were worried about the state of the passes so settled for boring but safe.

It is however a wonderful old pub and we scored a sorta upgrade which came with Valet services and special attention for stuffed travel writers.

Oh and YES it was a bit of a shock when I noticed the URL address change on this site.
Wiif  as always


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