Lone Tree

The dogs had spent their second night in kennels for our New Year break, so it was strange getting up this morning and having no wagging tails, wet noses and muddy paws around. 

After breakfast I collected them and brought them home and they spent the whole day completely crashed out - so presumably they have not slept properly for 48 hours!

On the way home I stopped to photograph this tree - I quite like the way it is just on its own in the middle of the crop and has loads of feathery branches.

Apart from being my blip today this shot also served to restore my faith in my Canon 70-300 lens. I have used it recently to try and capture some birds in the garden and had some shocking results - out of focus/soft shots with poor detail, colour and contrast. 

This was taken at 200mm length but I also took some shots at 300mm and got quite pleasing details - so faith restored. Not really sure what was happening with the garden shots.

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