A Very British Day

Fantastic morning spent at Camden Lock and market! Then onto Goodge street to meet an old flatmate of the Moo variety. We decided to eat Korean food which suited me, not so much for DC, his was a bad choice with noodles that were silvery sorta transparent... He was left a tad hungry lol.

To fill that gaping hole we headed to SNOG in Soho for some frozen yogurt! It was then time to walk it off in St James Park to the sounds of the Queens guards band playing some patriotic sounds which reverberated around the park and Buckingham Palace! We finished our day out at Victoria for a coffee and Krispy Kreme before our trains home!

Lovely home cooked meal with the grandparents and cousin Ross before a catch up and sleepover at my Aunts. X #almostperfectfday

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