Today seemed an appropriate day to look out an old polaroid. This is me with my cat Misty taken almost 40 years ago when having a polaroid camera was the epitomy of cool. Misty was buried at the bottom of the garden long long ago but the polaroid is still as clear and sharp as ever. As for me…. well I'm not dead, but not as sharp as I was either!
I just realised that for my children the idea of taking a photo and having it available within minutes is such a given….. they don't realise what an innovation a polaroid was back then - the only other option was taking your roll of film down to Boots and waiting a week. Didn't we have to put polaroids up our jumpers onto warm skin or something like that to hasten their development….
- 2
- 0
- Canon EOS 550D
- 1/6
- f/5.0
- 40mm
- 200
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