There and back again

By Mikes

New arrival over night

A quiet (ish) day today. Out just after 7am this morning. Jinxy is still a bit subdued and after being given his ball to play with, he was content to carry it for the rest of the walk. Walking through the woods I came across fresh deer footprints, not an every day occurrence but there a lot of Roe deer in the area.

On the walk back I came across the cows grazing and spied that another calf had been born during the night. The mother had hidden it away in a clump of grass in a small copse. I have never seen them do this here. On Dartmoor where there are Galloway cattle that spend most of the year running wild, I have come across this practice many times. In fact on one memorable occasion, after nearly falling over the calf, the mother took great exception to my presence and chased me and my dog at the time, for a considerable distance.
You can just see its little black head of this one, protruding from the grass to the left of the tree in the center of the picture. The other calf nearby, is a week or so old.

After lunch I took Jinxy back to the same area and the calf was up and running with its mother. I also saw a deer running in the open, not far from where I spied the footprints this morning, a great sight.

I had a smile when I spied the bull with the herd. He was laying quietly and was being teased by three young calves who were prancing around him. He got to his feet and lumbered off to where the cows were grazing followed by the calves still seemingly determined to tease. He walked up to the cows and with a few grunts obviously conveyed to them that it was their part of ship to look after their calves because he then stomped off to a quiet corner, where he resumed his snooze and the mothers walk off in the other direction, calves in tow! Positions sorted.

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