That's Yer Lot!

Ahoy there, me Polaroid Buddies! This is the last snow picture in this series because I am leaving the Alps tomorrow. Plus, it started thawing this afternoon.

Also, I am unhappy that I can't have proper banter chats with all my Polaroid chums out there following the "improvements". When you reply to my comments I can't find my original comment in the long list of comments from other PolaroidBlippers. So I can't get a banter conversation going. This disappoints me because I feel I am letting you down.

By the way, can any one tell me what benefits I now enjoy from membership apart from writing a profile?

So, I have been thinking today as I have been walking through the magnificent scenery near Morzine that I am going to take a PolaroidBlipBreak. I can cope with change when it improves things. But can those who were so enthusiastic about the changes when they were introduced a couple of weeks ago still honestly say they think the new PolaroidBlip site is better?

I congratulate Joe Tre for his business success. But I feel its a bit like that Innocent juice buy- out by Coca Cola. People felt that it didn't have the original authentic character about it any more and stopped buying it.  Fair enough. I understand how they come to that way of thinking. Don't shoot the business success, but don't feel you have to carry on being part of it.

So as I am a full member I will post from time to time and try to comment occasionally. But as you won't be able to tell from my thumbnail when I have posted a picture you will probably stop calling by. 

Its a shame because you have been such good chums. You are fun and talented. I have only been on board for two years but I have loved being part of a true  community of photographers. Who have helped improve my own pictures. At least I like to think so.

Having said all this, when I tried to throttle back a while ago I found I was addicted and couldn't stop. So I reserve the right to come out of retirement. Perhaps several times. 


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