
By Aliscotia

Really big snowman!

Here's Longshadow (for scale)  in front of a really big blow up Christmas decoration (just to show Texann and Leejohnaire that we can do Texas size decs!). We visited a local garden centre here to see their range and will definitely be back there in the Spring.

I have a very busy few weeks coming up, working on our website, doing Photoshop tutorials and other online work and I am going to have to take some time off blip as my poor wee dry eyes (I do drops every hour) just cannot take the screen time.

So apologies for my absence from commenting on your journals, I will try to drop in from time to time and to drop hearts and stars and I will also blip when I have a shot I want to share. In the meantime I send you all a really big bliphug!

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