Playing around with Topaz Plug ins
That was fun. I was goofing around with the Topaz plug ins I got for myself for Christmas and my birthday which is coming up in January. My friends Rick and Judy are coming up in a few days and Rick wants to find a way to turn some photos into line drawings. I think the Topaz Simplify plug in will do the trick based on the playing around I did today. With this photo I went overboard just to see what would happen. I used quad color and was working looking just at the edges. When I switched to overall view this is what I got. Well then! That will do nicely. It is our view of the lake again in quite a different form.
I tried one more step, turning this into an impressionist painting using the Impressions plug in. I like this best so I replaced the photo.
Having a relaxing day today at last. Doing some desk work. Will soon shop with Arvin. He gets to spend his gift certificate for Dakota Art today. His daughter Lynda sent it to him for Hanukah. Nice gift I'd say.
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