
By DancingAly

Let It Out

Bit of a sad bunny tonight. Apologies in advance as I think this isn't going to be a cheery post! 

It's been building for a few days. A culmination of thinking too much about events/dates in my head. And what has been. And where I was a year ago. That is definitely the problem with being somebody who is reflective, and who thinks about things too much! 

I'm sure it will pass. Perhaps the problem is I don't really ever let myself cry. It reminds me of the character Niles in 'Frasier'. "I'm just not someone who cries. It's not in my nature. When Maris's Uncle Lyle died, I had to shut my hand in the car door just to make a decent showing at the funeral"! I do love Frasier, and watching episodes has helped a little this week. 

But something tipped me over the edge tonight, and I went home and let it all out. And I'm not all the way there yet, but I think I feel a bit better. It's probably not good to keep everything inside too much. 

In other news, it would have been my dear old man's 93rd birthday today! We would probably have taken him to lunch with family to celebrate. We all miss him so much! I wonder what he'd make of all my troubles? :-) I saw a post shared on Facebook (* must deactivate to preserve my sanity) this evening: " Jealousy comes from counting others' blessings instead of our own". Gramps often used a similar phrase " you've gotta count your blessings", and he always did. And I really should take a leaf out of his book. He managed to find positives right at the end of his time where I'm sure others would have given up. What an inspiration that man continues to be. 

Funny part of the day- Little B was behind Ro en route from the kitchen, when she inadvertently shut the door to the dining room without realising he hadn't come in. We were all talking, and someone asked where he was, and there was this little scratching sound coming from the hallway! Bless his furry heart :-) 

Mum and Dad are making a return trip to Spain tomorrow. 20 degrees and sunny= lucky them. Which means I'll be moving in to their pad for a week. Let the unsettled feelings begin! I do love my little house- who'd have thought?!

Happy 93rd old man :-) I love you. 

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