Home again

A day that started on one side and ended on the other. Packing the car up took a while but we were on the road just before ten and had a straight run over with rain all the way and big flakes of snow up on the top. Bailey slept for the majority of the journey except for one point when he decided to take a look out of the back window and became mesmerised by the rear windscreen wiper. (It transpired that it was my fault as I had attached his seatbelt restraint to his collar and not his harness - I was revealed that he wasn't displaying Houdini-tendancies). 

Unpacking the car took a while and then a supermarket shop before a quick walk with the official Bailey-sitter and then a fish pie made for this evening (the Christmas pans were used for the first time and were almost blipped but Bailey won). Bailey was kept entertained by another Christmas present - he has been thoroughly spoiled by family, friends and even family of friends. And then a proper catch-up this evening and an exciting holiday plan. 

A busy day all told and also one that brought the news of the death of the loveliest of men. A man who made his mark on all that he did. He will definitely leave a Mr V sized void.

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