Be prepared (2)

I an not a Paranoid Bliper but I can see there is a danger of going that way.

This evening's Q&A was I suppose even worse than feared. The 4th or 5th answer with the sentence "Polaroid is one of the best-known and most loved photographic names in the world." finished my interest. I quickly felt very sorry for Joe. and eventually sent a message right at the end knowing it wouldn't be answered thanking him for creating Blip.

The format of the event was catastrophic. All the serious relevant questions were avoided. I think he's stepped up in to a league he doesn't understand.

So we are not a great deal wiser - we take it or leave it. I will be staying around & hoping it improves and as I am a paying member, assume I won't be bombarded by advertising. My Bee Journal is a freeloader so hope that once the 3 month free paying membership runs out, I can start advertising my honey and beeswax to all you lovely fellow freeloading Blipers. If Blip can't get at your wallets then I stand a chance.

Just in case it goes down the tubes, I cranked up a Blog page I started in November 2009, having been impressed by Nogbad, my Blip godfather.. Back then he was linking this weird Blip thing on his Blog and I saw it but was sceptical.

Well the Blog still exists and seems to now be owned by Google. I entered two posts back then to see if it worked and that was it. Managed to log in and was amazed at the first glance similarities to the new Blip. However there is a big difference . Blog allows me to do all sorts of things with colours and backgrounds, text and editing, maps etc etc. Blog doesn't cost a penny and there is no advertising. OK it's Google so they know what colour underpants I have on while typing the posts but so what. Angorra Y Fronts aren't exactly see through.and even then there's not anything much to see.

So now have to work on a nice grey background and get Nigel to tell me how to get my Blip postings to appear on my Blog.

If there was a real disappointment today, it was on opening up my old Blog and finding neither CocaCola or McDonalds had left a message asking if I was interested in selling my Blog. At least the weather had stopped me taking my push bike to the recycling dump and I will use the Porsche broschures as door stoppers in the awful winds around today.

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