Specks Appeal

By REDMarmalade

My Favourite Street

This is one of my favourite streets in Aberdeen. Awsomo & I used to live just round the corner from it and I'd do anything to get back to this part of town. I miss everything about being in the city centre, the gorgeous architecture, all the essentials are on your doorstep, it was great for meeting up with all our friends. A perfect central meeting point.

Since moving out to the suburbs, iv made it very clear just how much I miss where we used to stay. It hasn't helped that the life we envisioned here hasn't happened. Everything from the kitchen, to the electrics, bathroom and windows have all had to be replaced and we really have cursed the last owners and the folk who did the survey.

But this morning I woke and decided to have a wee chat with our house. I told it how I felt, how annoyed how I have been that at times it's felt like a money pit, and what I'm expecting in the future. The house seemed to agree with me and promised it would stop being a house of cards, if I cheered up and started seeing all the positives and remind myself just why we bought it in the first place.

Awsomo & I, along with a few of our family and friends have put a lot of blood, sweet and tears in to making this the nicest house possible. And hopefully, before long I'll look at it as our home, other than the place we stay.

REDMarmalade xxx

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