Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2

Larry nightingale

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According to my web browser, I've already used this title... well sometimes he's so much like a nightingale, it's fitting! He loves to perch high up on branches to sing as loud as he can, so every one can hear & perhaps see him too. He sang to get my attention... so I walked over to him, wishing him a very good morning & complaining about the weather going down... he gave me this look, whistled some more, then led the way to the garage & sat on the mealworm container. I gave him some worms, which he took in his beak & whacked them on the metal paint pot - he's very musical that one, has great rhythm - Perhaps a band is called for 'Little Larry All Stars' - where he will play each instrument - ahhh as Captain Mannering so often said in Dad's Army, 'I think you're going into the realms of fantasy land...' Too right! Feather xxx's

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