Cool and inviting

I knew today was likely to a scorcher and I wasn't wrong. With that in mind I was up, fed, watered, packed and heading up to the saddle by 7.25am.

It was magnificent. Yesterday was day 1 of my trip.

By 8.45am the sweat was pouring off me (I was going down hill) and I was grateful for yesterday's big day. It meant I could spend most of today's journey out in beech forest.

I'm a girl who usually prefers the tops and open space. Not today. There wasn't a breath of wind and I was grateful for the shade and cool water.

My foot bursitis/neuroma thing had a good test. It's not resolved but less painful and better managed with the changes to my orthotics. But I still don't have full feeling in the middle toe on my left foot. It feels normal if I touch it but moving around it feels slightly numb.

Guess I'd better see if that's a long term problem or not.

A fabulous couple of days. I'm back to work tomorrow and I'd better go and organise myself and get to bed.

A real bed tonight instead of a mat in a tent. Not sure which I'll enjoy more ;-)

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