
By Peahen

Taking down the tinsel

It's close enough to Twelth Night and I am getting that urge  to put Christmas in the garage and Organise Everything.

The photo shows B unwinding yards of tinsel from the upstairs bannisters. Why yes, she is growing out of her pjs, the top stopped buttoning some time ago but she loves the trousers. 

She was very energetic with the tinsel, I loved how moving tinsel shows in the lower right corner. You can see a hint of the pinkness that I usually convert to mono in the distance - that's the Barbie car parked up outside the dolls' mansion.

This blip is dedicated to EmmaLouWisdom, who also did a tinsel blip some weeks back, but can I find it to credit it for inspiration? Of course not.

nb not wild about the lack of focus. This is what comes of leaving the zoom lens on rather than swapping it out for a prime. Doh.

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