Viator Fabula

By Heliflyer

Even Tigger struggles sometimes...

I used to be compared to Tigger a long time ago.

These days I don't feel so positive. Lots of fears and worries and concerns crowd round to quash the Tigger side of my personality. Not quite sure how to break out of the blues at times.

Blipping has been tough. It's good to look around and try and take a photo every day,, but for me it has become slavish and hard - and in some ways its a reminder of how routine and repetitive life can be, which is not really what one would expect.

But the key I guess is to find the joy and the peace and the wonder in those things which seem to be repetitive and dare one say it - rather dull.

Maybe that's the big fear - that one's life is just... dull.

Big questions for a little Tigger to answer!

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