Annual Battle
Here lies the Christmas tree, waiting for the recycling truck that is due to collect tomorrow.
The Christmas tree is an annual battle between my husband and I that has now become a tradition.
He wants to buy a plastic, put in the loft for next year version, and I won't allow one of those in the house!
Every year since our first Christmas together some 40 years ago, I have won!
Once the battle is won and we are at the Garden Centre to buy 'proper' tree there then follows the battle of size. He wants a small and skinny, put on a table size tree and I want one that is beautifully bushy and touches the ceiling! This battle is not always won by yours truly, but we do usually end up somewhere in the middle, with this year's specimen definitely erring on the side of bushy!
It served us well and twinkled with lights and baubles for the last 2 weeks. Now however it is back to normality. I will be at work tomorrow when the truck comes for the tree, but I am already thinking of my arguments for next year's Battle of the Tree.
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