
Phew, here at last!  We've had the best holiday with the kids and family on the other side of the pond.   The first week we enjoyed the banter over the Christmas festivities between the grown up kids before Jen and Pete headed home, then this last week has been better weatherwise for being outdoors and exploring the state parks, and we had a brief stay over at Rog and Anne's giving us chance for a catch up.  Once we were on the journey back, the desire to be home sets in and on the coach into Boston we both hoped the trip would be uneventful.  The forecast was for snow showers and we sat on the tarmac for 45 minutes or so in the dark with the white stuff swirling past the windows.  Tony pointed out the de-icer machine which loomed over the wing like some strange long necked beast with two huge eyes.  After we reached cruising height, the pilot told us that Boston Airport closed just after we had left due to the snow, so we were very lucky not to be delayed.  Jenny had discovered that Aer Lingus have started a route to Leeds Bradford and we were able to change last minute without any extra charge so our time in Dublin Airport was shortened and we got nearer to home - thank you Jen for collecting us!
So back at home, living room strewn with unpacking, Christmas tree looking jaded, Gardeners Question Time on the radio.  Can we stay awake to ensure a proper night's sleep and what is 5.45am and the cycle to work in the morning going to feel like?! 

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