Found and Lost

By Paused

Ahhh go on then, bugger it !

Back to work tomorrow and after a 6 month or so hiatus back to a healthier meal plan etc.  ( good tasting nutrition is one of my interests so I may be mentioning it a bit in my blips henceforth if it gets boring let me know :-)).

I enjoy growing and cooking good food and my wife likes eating it.  We will be returning to using a less complete pallet of ingredients for a while.  Often food is comfort and sadly we needed much of that last year.

But we still have not discussed my proposed changes and menus so tonight my wife and I are are going to have some more wine and a hearty slow cooked stew I made earlier :-)...

I like The mirrored seagulls here...

I'll catch up with others blips later been a made few days.

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