
By nicky


Drove Paul back to his flat in London today - the holidays are officially over and it's back to work for us both tomorrow. He treated me to brunch at a local coffee haunt - The Spoke - to say thank you - I can heartily recommend it! We weren't quite ready to go our separate ways, so on the spur of the moment, we drove down to Tate Britain for a brief visit. He then caught the train back to his flat and I drove home. Surprisingly, the traffic wasn't too bad at all, and it reminded me how much I love driving in London if I'm not sat in a traffic jam. 

I've had a lovely Christmas break and I'm now trying to savour the last few hours before I go back to my old job again tomorrow. That's going to be a tad weird, but also lovely to see all my friends there. And to be able to get up at a reasonable hour and get home in time to have a decent evening. Luxury!

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