Just trying to survive

By NovaLovesFrogs

Ouch. No Crocheting Today.

No crocheting today. Probably no crocheting for at least a few days.

While my yarning over finger is my middle finger, the yarn keeps rubbing against the cloth bandage (I can't use plastic ones on my hands) and making a horrible rasping sound.

It wouldn't be so awful if my body wasn't so damn strange. Certain sounds cause my entire body extreme pain. Rasping sounds are one of the worst, and causes a lot of extra pain in my already rotting and super painful and sensitive teeth. (Not having a healthy immune system and getting braces is a very bad idea. Not that I had any control over it.)

The bandage is definitely necessary, despite the small cut. I somehow managed to cut my finger, on the side of the top joint, to the bone, with a jagged tin can lid.

This is the first time I have ever cut myself on a tin can.

I didn't go to urgent care because I was able to get the skin to go back together after sterilizing it. (Isopropyl alcohol on a cut that deep hurts like hellfire.)

I saved myself from stitches when I was thirteen and sliced open two of my toes down to the bone. I did go to the hospital that time and they said they could see the cuts were extremely deep, but since I'd gotten the skin back together and it was staying shut, that opening it back up just to put in stitches would actually greatly increase the risk of infection. They said to come in for stitches immediately if the cuts opened up on their own. They didn't. I do have a pretty awesome scar on one of those toes from it, though.

So far I've had wounds go down to the bone on several occasions. About four or five separate incidents on my feet, skinned my knees to the bone when I was fourteen (didn't go to the hospital because it was the day before we went on vacation and my birth mother didn't want the doctors to say I couldn't go) and this is either the third or fourth time I've cut some part of my hand to the bone

Surprisingly enough, none of these incidents have ever involved my love for knives. They usually don't even involve metal. It's usually glass, wood, or paper. Only twice has it been metal.

God my finger hurts. I think a nerve was cut through. I'm almost in agony. But if I went to the hospital because of the pain, they'll just tell me to take something I'm allergic to even though I've just told them I'm allergic to it. Then it'll be accusations of wanting narcotics. I'll walk away with nothing but feeling like crap and having a lovely expensive hospital bill for no treatment.

So...yeah. Not worth it. Even though it happened almost nine hours ago and the pain hasn't gone down any.

Back to playing Dragon Age Inquisition and annoying Nova.

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