
By victoriangeny

Trivia crack

This may seem like another typical picture of trivia crack, but this picture has so much reward and meaning behind it. At my new job (they Subway in Tower City) I met someone named Steven. Steven is my best friend at my new job. He makes the days go quicker, and the bad/miserable not as bad/miserable. The other day, we were playing Xbox, when he suggested about playing me in Trivia Crack. Being that everyone has been obsessing over it lately, I wanted nothing to do with that game, so I told him no. Steven is very persistent, and finally I had enough of him asking/begging me to download the game, so I caved and finally did. My first game, he beat me, considering I had no idea what I was doing. After we finished that game, we started another. That game I was determined to win, and that was my goal. I was on a roll; I was getting easy questions, and guessing correctly. Finally, the game ended with my beating him six to nothing. He was quite offended at the fact that I beat him, however I was pleased with myself. I knew he would act like I never beat him, and that’s why I took a screenshot, to show the whole world that I beat him!

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